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One of the Ads you used in the past is so impactful that you would like to copy it to use again? Don't worry, you can do that by following the instructions below. Or is there is an old Ad which is not needed anymore? Follow the instructions provided and delete a specific Ad from an Advertiser's account. In this section we cover: Copying an Ad and Deleting old Ads.



Copying my Ad

Once you have logged in to Advance:


1. Selected the correct Advertiser


2. Click on the Adverts button.


3. Once in the Adverts page, place your mouse over the engine icon for the correct ad and select "Copy".




Rename your Ad, select which shapes you wish to copy and hit the "Copy" button.

Your Ad has been duplicated and will be available for you to edit it.

Deleting old Ads

1. Click on Advertisers on the main menu.


2. Select the Advertiser Account the Ad is under.


3. Click on See all Adverts.


4. Click on the "+" icon located left of the Ad you want to delete.


5. Click on the cog wheel for the ad shape you want to delete and select Delete to finalise. 








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